Nuclear engineering from the beginning
Since our foundation in 1971 we have gathered extensive references for nuclear plants and projects. This includes planning and services for the nuclear reactor types pressurized water reactor, boiling water reactor, high temperature reactor and fast breeder. Furthermore, our references include aboveground fuel storage, repository mines for radioactive waste, nuclear fuel reprocessing plants, incineration plants for radioactive waste and research institutions.
Wide range of experiences
Our work comprises a relatively broad area with partly classical engineering issues. These range from the design and life-cycle analysis of cooling systems and critical components to nuclear safety issues such as radiation protection, radioactive emissions and their behaviour in the environment.
Typical of nuclear tasks is the relation to safety and expert's questions, approval processes and nuclear-related quality management. So we were involved, among others, in the studies on the consequences of the reactor accidents Harrisburg and Chernobyl.
We worked for some projects more than 10 years without interruption. These projects include the fast breeder reactor in Kalkar and the two reprocessing projects in Gorleben and Wackersdorf. Similarly extensive was the perpetuation of evidence for the radioactive repository mine Konrad and its radiation protection concept as well as the project management for the “model study radioecology Biblis”.
Services for the incineration of radioactive waste
Our services include, besides planning and approvals, also supplies and measuring/metrological services for two incinerators for radioactive waste. The HOK adsorber was developed by us for dioxin deposition. For data security, our Process Data Management System INDAS is used.
From prototype to industry standard in the H3/C14 balancing
Nuclear services often have a prototype character. For the emission balancing of nuclear facilities, we developed the H3/C14 exhaust air collection system. This was based on the process development of the Federal Health Office for the “dry” balancing of H3/C14 emissions. This standardized system is now used under operating conditions in about 250 reference installations in 8 countries and defines the current standard in terms of detection limits and reliability.